
We are dedicated to testing and maintain a programme of continuous improvement. 

'The Carter concept' is the idea of manufacturing a range of tools that outperform other, often more expensive branded tools. We achieve this by focussing on quality, design, value and a programme of continual feedback and appraisal.

Before a product is stamped with the Carter name it is rigorously tested to surpass any specifications under which it will be sold. We don’t like the idea of just passing a specification under laboratory conditions. Our true product tests are performed in the hands of tradesmen and professionals who live by their tools.

Their feedback enables us to design tougher and stronger tools that have been tailored to meet the rigorous demands of the modern professional.

Our tools continue to evolve as workplaces evolve and techniques improve to seek out efficiencies and improve safety. With vigourous testing and feedback Carters continue to offer market leading quality with a firm focus on increasing the lifecycle of all tools.

"The Carter philosophy is that tools should not break under reasonable use. Our quality standard is based on reliability, durability and the high expectations set on us by our loyal customers"

W.Green Director